Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Non Proliferation Treaty And The Universal Declaration Of...

The functioning of an international order refers to the â€Å"rules of the game† that delineate how states act toward each other. These rules or governing arrangements are intentionally constructed by states to promote their goals and interests (Bull 1977: 8) These rules may be formal, operating through mechanisms like international law, international treaties and alliances, and international organizations, or they may be informal, based on more nebulous concepts like norms, principles, and values regarding acceptable or legitimate behavior. These rules of the game identify the rights and obligations of states, and they provide mechanisms for regulating conflict among states. The post-1945 international order comprises a large number of†¦show more content†¦Thus, there is no central political authority that can establish rules, force states to obey them, punish states that break the rules, or otherwise arbitrate among states (Jervis 1985). However, the major theoretic al paradigms draw different implications from anarchy. Realism is a dominant theory of international relations focuses on state s security and power primarily. Besides, states are considered the only unitary rational actors where its survival and interests is the cornerstone of interstates relation highly based on might rather than on right. Hence, realists believe that people are by nature sinful and instinctively seeking power to dominant others. Power will be everlasting in the human s nature and the possibility to be eradicated is a utopian aspiration (Kegley, 1993). On the other hand, Liberalism as a dominant theory of international relations emphasizes peaceful interstates relations where the preference of states goes beyond politics to economic and social interaction to achieve a harmonious environment and reducing war conflicts. Basically, the liberals underline that states are not unitary actors and non-states actors are significant to take a part in the realm since states are not rational and all actors will function better tog ether. Additionally, power and security dilemma is a secondary objective. For realists, power and the distribution of power are the only important factors in IR. It is

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