Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Non Proliferation Treaty And The Universal Declaration Of...

The functioning of an international order refers to the â€Å"rules of the game† that delineate how states act toward each other. These rules or governing arrangements are intentionally constructed by states to promote their goals and interests (Bull 1977: 8) These rules may be formal, operating through mechanisms like international law, international treaties and alliances, and international organizations, or they may be informal, based on more nebulous concepts like norms, principles, and values regarding acceptable or legitimate behavior. These rules of the game identify the rights and obligations of states, and they provide mechanisms for regulating conflict among states. The post-1945 international order comprises a large number of†¦show more content†¦Thus, there is no central political authority that can establish rules, force states to obey them, punish states that break the rules, or otherwise arbitrate among states (Jervis 1985). However, the major theoretic al paradigms draw different implications from anarchy. Realism is a dominant theory of international relations focuses on state s security and power primarily. Besides, states are considered the only unitary rational actors where its survival and interests is the cornerstone of interstates relation highly based on might rather than on right. Hence, realists believe that people are by nature sinful and instinctively seeking power to dominant others. Power will be everlasting in the human s nature and the possibility to be eradicated is a utopian aspiration (Kegley, 1993). On the other hand, Liberalism as a dominant theory of international relations emphasizes peaceful interstates relations where the preference of states goes beyond politics to economic and social interaction to achieve a harmonious environment and reducing war conflicts. Basically, the liberals underline that states are not unitary actors and non-states actors are significant to take a part in the realm since states are not rational and all actors will function better tog ether. Additionally, power and security dilemma is a secondary objective. For realists, power and the distribution of power are the only important factors in IR. It is

Monday, December 16, 2019

IOS 7 vs. IOS 6 Free Essays

IOS 7 vs. IOS 6 When Apple announced it’s new OS back in March, many people were very excited at a change to the old IOS 6. As beta testing for the OS began and bugs began to intoxicate the new OS many consumers were left wondering if the need to switch at the final release was the best move and if so, what were the advantages or changes to the new OS. We will write a custom essay sample on IOS 7 vs. IOS 6 or any similar topic only for you Order Now IOS 7 has changed many of the features of IOS 6, but many of the core elements of IOS 6 are ever-present. The First and most noticeable difference in IOS 7 is its new color scheme and lock screen. IOS 6 had a round design and color scheme that was reminiscent of factory gears, and its lock screen was a simple picture with a slider at the bottom. But in the new OS, the color scheme is neon and bright colors, flat design in the sense that none of the home screen apps seem 3d, but also the lock screen is a full screen picture with the date, time, and also a slide to unlock slider. Those few improvements o the overall OS were nice, but the slide to unlock from the original OS 6 was still there and so were the large digital clock at the top. Another difference is the addition of Control Center. Control Center is a slider at the bottom of the screen that you slide up to use specific features of IOS 7, that in the older OS 6 you would have had to go to the settings menu. The features of Control Center include a slider for brightness, Wi-Fi control, Bluetooth control, and also one of IOS 7’s new features, Airdrop. Once again, the new features are great, even though many of the uses of them were in IOS 6. All in all IOS 7 is a step forward in features and still stays true to its predecessor. The new color scheme and lock screen got a complete overhaul, while keeping the same features and core elements of OS 6. Also the addition of Control Center now uses the toggles that could have been found in the settings menu of 10s 6. So once again, apple has made a step up in its Operating System while still staying true to its predeceasing one. How to cite IOS 7 vs. IOS 6, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

While poetry Essay Example For Students

While poetry Essay Thus it looks like the French Romantics went on to rebel against the constitutions, trying to change the world for the better, while the Germans lost themselves in their emotions and overwhelming feelings, which must have led to a completely false world-view. So from here onwards, the term Romantics shall be referred to the German Romantics, rather than the French ones, whose thoughts and aims seem to be far easier to understand. Not only were there significant changes on the social side of life in the late 18th and early 19th century, the arts themselves underwent some rather drastic changes too. Lead by the Sturm and Drang movement in literature which produced works such as Goethes famous book about The Sorrows of the Young Werther a masterpiece incorporating a number of the typical Romantic ideas, such as love and tragedy as well as the idea of the suffering hero8 the other art forms did not take long to follow the writers and poets examples. While poetry and architecture went back to their ancient roots, with the Nibelungenlied amongst many others gaining a new popularity and the Gothic architectural style being revived, music was more concerned with representation of the present. Despite this rather insignificant difference, all so called Romantic art forms have the same basic aims and principles: the revolt and downfall of prescribed rules and institutions especially in France -, philosophical revolt against rationalism, the promotion of feelings and emotions over intellect and reason, the belief in goodness of humanity, the rediscovery of artists as the greatest individual creators, the development of nationalistic pride and above all, the return to nature. While on the one hand the French Revolution is seen as the beginning of Romanticism, Alfred Einstein, on the other hand, emphasises Beethoven not necessarily as the founder of the Romantic period, but certainly as the most important composer who opened up the door to the new Musical Romanticism. In his eyes the Romantic era began with Beethoven, since from this great German composer onwards, symphonies, chamber music, songs and even opera had been written without anyone telling the composer what his works should be like. The Church and the Courts were no longer educating and more or less ruling over the musicians, which allowed the composers more freedom in expressing themselves. Compositions were generally aimed at an imaginary audience9, or in some cases at no audience at all, like for example for some of Schuberts piano sonatas, which have been composed for private use or performance in the small family and friends circle. The composers also set out to in Richard Wagners words create the artwork of the future, since they did everything possible to break away from the traditional Classical rules to create more forward looking works for the present generation, the generation of the future and for all eternity10. It is not unknown that Beethovens first composition were pretty much truly Classical ones, influenced by Haydn and to some extent also Mozart, but as he progressed as a musician and composer, his style gradually became freer and more expressive, and it was not for long until he started to express his view on political and social matters. The best known example for the turning point in Beethovens compositional style as well as the expression of his political views is the third Symphony (Op.55), also known as the Eroica Symphony. In contrast to the preceding symphony, the expanded form of this work makes it stand out; it was the longest composition of this genre by that date, even though Mozarts Prague Symphony had already been considered long. But not only the form of the composition itself was bigger than ever before, the size of the orchestra had also been increased, even if only slightly by the addition of a third horn at this early stage. Comparing two poems Two scavengers in a truck, two beautiful people in a Mercedes and Vultures EssayThis piece comprises not only the typical Romantic idea of nationalism, but also represents one of the most important Romantic musical forms: the tone poem, or symphonic poem. A piece that tells a story, but not just any story which the listener can make up himself, but a specific story provided by the composer. This was probably more or less the instrumental equivalent to the Romantic song, the Lied, which obviously was able to express certain feelings not just through the music, but also reinforce them with words. However, not only the styles and forms of music changed. The 19th century also saw a rise in the virtuoso. Led by Paganini, the role of the virtuoso instrumentalist is most likely to have come about because of the strong emphasis on the individual during this time. The artist saw himself as the misjudged genius, and as the demand for public performances, and especially solo concerts, increased, so did the demand for brilliant and outstanding musicians. Even though this put the individuals under extreme pressure, they did manage to create some of the greatest pieces of that time; pieces that were fresh and completely new in style. But not only Paganini composed pieces of instrumental transcendence, Liszt took the great violin masters creation a step further, by setting some of his etudes for piano and at the same time introducing new titles taken from poetry. Thus another typical Musical Romantic idea had been improved to include several Romantic ideals. This use of poetic titles was not unusual in the Romantic period, since it added more expression to the works as well as giving them a higher status in the Romantic world. In conclusion it needs to be said, that the ideas mentioned here are only a small fraction of what happened musically in what we are now used to calling the Romantic era. As declared previously, there are various different definitions of what Romantic really means, but hopefully some of the main characteristics have had some light shed on them. Musical Romanticism, just like Literal Romanticism is a term that can be applied to a great number of compositions or essays and poems that have been produced during the first half of the 19th century, but as always there are exceptions to the rules. There have been numerous composers who did not adapt the new style of writing and composing or even the new way of thinking, and have therefore stuck to writing in the old traditional style of the Classical period. But then again if Romantic was to include anything from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, surely this can then also be said about Musical Romanticism. If we were to adapt this definition, however, we would then need to talk about different stages of Romanticism in all the arts, and the term Romantic itself would need a much clearer definition itself. Of course composers as well as writers and other artists always set out to express certain emotions in their works, so considering this, should they be called Romantic too? There are still so many questions left open which need to be looked at in much greater detail to avoid any more confusion arising from vague definitions.